If you have an online business, you know how important content is. Content is another word for information, which is vital to building your authority with your customers, followers, or people just discovering who you are.

Creating content is a way to express yourself, show your audience why they should listen to you, and generate sales.

It’s also a love letter.


Great content is like a love letter in that it comes from a place so personal that the reader senses how genuine it is. They can read the personal touches, the authority, and the vulnerability between the lines. Content that is written from the heart is compelling and goes beyond good, or better content. Let’s take a look at the progression of content value:


Good content is informative.

Sharing facts, tips, steps, and how-to information is good. People appreciate solid, good content.

Sharing facts, tips, steps, and how-to information is good. People appreciate solid, good content.


Better content is engaging. Better content takes a step up from sharing facts to asking questions and asking for engagement. People appreciate better content that invites them to be a part of a community.


Great content is compelling. Great content makes the reader feel like they are being spoken to directly. That they are seen and understood and know in their heart you are the best person to help them, serve them, or sell to them.


How can you create great content?


Your content should be focused on falling into the great category. Infusing your information with emotion, personal examples, stories, and a genuine emphasis on helping your customers will make a bigger impact. People can simply tell when you are being authentic, and they like it.


You can create great content by balancing high-quality information with high-quality emotion. Looking for the places where information and humanity intersect can make a bigger and greater impact, which can make your audience fall in love. Here’s how:

Share a personal story that illustrates how you can relate to the problem you are solving for your tribe. If you share tips and tricks, share a story or two about a time when you were in a vulnerable state that they might relate to.


Use gratitude in your message and model how much you can relate to what they are facing. Nothing makes an impact more than a grateful heart. Be open about your day-to-day life and model gratitude for the good, bad, and the ugly for your tribe. Your willingness to be honest and grateful will be inspiring and earn respect.


People who produce content that includes a deeper connection with their tribe tend to have higher followings, deeper loyalty, and higher sales. Well-written content is like a love letter to your customer. It lets them know how much they matter and how invested you are in their success.

Bio: Speaker Support Consultant

Deborah Northcutt is the CEO of https://www.FreeYouUpVA.com.  I am a Speaker Support Consultant who helps new and aspiring speakers find their ideal speaking opportunities. I help free you up to speak so that you can make more money and live the life that you dreamed of.


Join my Facebook community for speakers Speaker Support Association of America.

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