A friend of mine was asked to speak at a local event. She happily said, “Yes!” But when she saw the promotional flyer for the event, she cringed. The event coordinator had used an old photo of her that was low-resolution. It distorted and looked terrible. The bio that the coordinator had included was horribly out of date, too.

Things like this happen when speakers don’t keep their information updated. Just as your onesheet is a living document and should be updated so should your media pages. Every speaker looking to land work should have a “media” or “promotional” page on their website. Here’s what to include on yours…

Your Headshot


These should be full-resolution photos that would look good if they were printed in a magazine. You need a minimum of 2-3 headshots that you feel confident about and wouldn’t mind seeing spread everywhere. So You Want To Get Speaking Gigs

Keep in mind that you may need several headshots for different audiences. For example, you might speak at tech conferences and parenting ones, too. You’d have some headshots featuring you at work or on your laptop. But you’d also want a second set of images that show you relaxed and smiling at home with your kids.

An Audio (or Video) Clip

Your media page might be the first time an event coordinator has heard of you. You want their first impression to be that you’re capable and professional. So if you have some clips where you’re speaking, be sure to add them here.

You only need 1-2 videos or audio files and they can be short (think less than five minutes). Make sure this content plays in the browser as the coordinator may not want to download your big files. This also can be considered your speaking reel. Make sure that you are putting together your best clips that showcase your expertise, personality, and accolades, then merge them into one amazing video reel.

Your Contact Information

Finally, you want to make it easy for hosts to book you. That means including relevant contact information on your media page. An email address is best for this task. If you’re worried about spam, try a special email like inquiries @ yourwebsite.com or speaking @ your website.com. So You Want To Get Speaking Gigs

You may also want to add a contact number here as well. This helps coordinators who want to talk with you on the phone to get a feel for your personality. If you don’t have a dedicated phone line for this, try getting a Google Voice number. They’re free and they can be forwarded to your regular cellphone.

Make sure that you add your social media sites to your contact information. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. Meeting planners want to know how many followers you have and what are you posting on social media. They will definitely check out your social media sites so make sure that you keep them up to date.

Designing your media page doesn’t have to be difficult. Just make sure to include the information listed above. Remember, your media page is also a living document that you should always update as often as you need.

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Bio: Speaker Support Consultant

Deborah Northcutt is the CEO of https://www.FreeYouUpVA.com.  I am a Speaker Support Consultant who helps new and aspiring speakers find their ideal speaking opportunities. I help free you up to speak so that you can make more money and live the life that you dreamed of.


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