Never share your expertise and knowledge for free. Or people won’t appreciate and respect what you have to offer for free. Have you been told that? I know I’ve been told that before. You must be strategic with sharing your speaking engagements for free because without and awesome plan free public speaking won’t actually lead to paid.


It’s the  WIIFM thing.  You know, the what’s in it for me. You want to gain value from them in exchange for your participation? Speaking for free is training you get for experience. Now, I’m the recommending that you speak for free for ever, just long enough to prove yourself and get noticed.

Look at it this way, It’s also a great marketing strategy when you are first starting out. You many not have a lot of experience speaking yet and need visibility. Speaking for free is not always a bad thing. Be strategic when accepting a free speaking engagement. Think it out. What are some of the ways to be strategic when speaking for free? Watch the video and I will explain how.

Bio: Speaker Support Consultant

Deborah Northcutt is the CEO of  I am a Speaker Support Consultant who helps new and aspiring speakers find their ideal speaking opportunities. I help free you up to speak so that you can make more money and live the life that you dreamed of.


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